Directions to Ranger Athletic Facilities:

Volleyball and Basketball [MAP LINK]:  1395 Broadway Ave, Bremerton, 98337: 

Volleyball and Basketball are played on the gymnasium on campus. 

  • As you enter Bremerton from I-5 using the instructions above, you be will be on Burwell Street. 
  • In 1 mile, take a left onto Warren Avenue. 
  • In 0.7 miles, take a left onto the campus at 16th Ave. 
  • Take the 1st left onto Broadway Avenue. 
  • The gym is located inside the Bremer Student Center, labeled building 10 in the campus map, and will be on the right side in the middle of the “S curve”. 
  • There is a student parking lot on the left side. 
  • Follow the Game Day Signs to the gym.

Baseball [MAP LINK]:  Knight’s/Legion Field, 1240 Sheridan Road, Bremerton 98310: 

  • Follow above directions to the campus. Continue past the entrance to the college campus and to the 1st traffic light after the bridge and take a right onto Sheridan Road. 
  • The baseball field is on the left. 
  • Turn left onto Spruce Ave and there is a small parking lot adjacent to the field.  There is also street parking behind the right field fence. 

Softball [MAP LINK]: Lion’s Park, 251 Lebo Blvd, Bremerton, 98310: 

  • Follow above directions to the campus. Continue past the college campus and take a right immediately after the bridge onto Clare Ave. 
  • Clare will loop around and come to a T. Turn right onto Lebo Ave. 
  • Lion’s Park will be on the left in 0.4 miles. 
  • There is a small parking lot near the tennis courts, which is one option for parking. 
  • Immediately past this is the entrance to the park on the left. 
  • This will lead you to the softball field, which is the first field at the bottom of this entrance.

Track & Field  [MAP LINK]: Bremerton Memorial Stadium at Bremerton High School:

  • Follow above directions to Burwell Street. 
  • Take the right onto Burwell. 
  • In 0.3 miles, turn left onto Naval Avenue then a left on Ohio Ave. 
  • Stay straight and the stadium will be on the left. 
  • Parking is on the college campus across the street from the stadium. 


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