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Hegarty Named Week 3 Runner of the Week

Headshot of Tiernan Hegarty on the left with the NWAC logo above. On the right are the competitive athletics logo with Sept 26-Oct 2, 2022 Men's Cross Country Runner of the Week.

Forest Grove HS • Forest Grove, OR

Hegarty tooks 20th place at the John Payne/Curtis Invitational at the site of the NWAC Championships at Chambers Bay. He was the second NWAC finisher in a time of 28:18.7, pacing the Rangers. 

Tiernan has been Olympic College's top men's runner all year long," said head coach Seth Brotherton. "He has made vast improvements since last season. He has placed in the top 50% at every meet this year besides one. This last Saturday he ran the 8K in a time of 28:18, placing 20th overall."